The king of technology, Mr. Bill Gates met the strongest innovated person, Mr. Narendra Modi on Wednesday of this week to come together and build a better future prospect for India. For any developing country, it is very important to have an infusion of technological advancements along with a strong, innovative idea to bolster the use of the technologies to help the country grow. This meeting of Bill Gates and Narendra Modi is of vital importance for the development of India point of view.
Bill Gates is Fond of Several Schemes Implemented In India
It came out during the lecture of “Transforming India” at Niti Aayog that there are various schemes implemented in India that Bill Gates is fond of. He lauded the “Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana” scheme launched by Narendra Modi which deals with the financial inclusion of the undeserved society present in India. The idea of giving an Adhaar card to around a billion people for all kinds of personality identifiable services has been an unprecedented effort by any government till now. He also praised the “Unified Payment Infrastructure” rollout, that has made the transaction much easier than ever before. He also talked about the initiative Startup India, that is responsible for the booming up of various entrepreneurship over here. The recent scheme of demonetization of Rs. 500 and Rs. 1000 notes also took Gates by surprise and he found it a very bold and appreciative move, which require a super strong innovative person to implement such a move. The Digital India Mission also found a place in the lists of schemes worth to be mentioned about. This scheme holds the potential of eliminating paper forms, and eases the people from entering the same information again and again.
Main Motive behind the Invitation
It seems that the entire purpose of inviting Bill Gates for this event was to increase and advance the use of technology in India that can help the various government’s policies. This advancement is very much required if we aim for a stronger economy, we ever had, and also to wipe out black money. Bill Gates, with his lecture on “Transforming India” clarified that technological advancements can further be implemented to solve almost every problem that India is currently dealing with, including social transformations. Being a techie, he stressed about the various ways technology can be used to improve health care, agriculture, education, sanitation, and of course governance. He also asked India to prepare itself for a major technological shift, as this move will ensure transparency and will help to reduce various forms of leakages. Bill Gates believes that there are each and every piece of a digital financial inclusion present in India. The only thing that needs to be done is to join those pieces to form an entire picture.
Bill Gates congratulated Narendra Modi for each and every step he laid till now in order to form a strong foundation for the digital future of India. He also wants the problem of malnutrition to be eliminated from India, that could cost Indian economy a staggering amount of 46 billion USD by the year 2030. This meeting will ensure the implementation of technological advancements in India in not just governance, but also various other fields.

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