There are many ways to earn money. One is through your sincere efforts in your daily job an ensure that you always be a dependable employee. Another way is to make that same salary work in a money generating eco-system of the financial market. After all, many experts have said, you become rich by making your money work for you. Investing in the stock market through direct equity or mutual funds is one of the most popular ways.
However, just like opening a bank account, you need a demat account for investing in financial markets. It requires considerable time and effort to collect the right documents, fill out lengthy forms of KYC (Know Your Customer) and wait for the processing to get over.
Decision Criteria for Choosing a Demat Account
One needs to be mindful of the infrastructure being provided by the company. Your demat and trading account provider company should be your technology partner as well. It is essential to have the seamless ability to trade between platforms – desktop, iPad, mobile. In this digital age, companies with least technical glitches, and maximum ease of use with various dashboards and reports are liked by investors by traders.
Also, once you start gaining confidence of the process of trading, technical picks and research reports gain more importance. The depth of research and knowledge helps you as an investor to take the best picks at the best time possible.
Its better to go with the best and largest players in the industry, someone like Angel Broking. Larger number of investors and traders will help keep their costs at minimum and offer you, best of trading rates.
Most brokerage houses would offer 0.5% to 0.9% of the daily trade as brokerage commission. This works out quite expensive if you are a small trader and wish to trade frequently. However, there are demat and trading service companies which allow a bundling of services, such as Demat + Trade +Advisory would ensure the best of pricing.
A well-rounded advisory portfolio – stocks, fixed income, currency, futures and options, commodities will give you the best of all the worlds and a great level of diversity in your portfolio.
Experienced Trading
For daily traders and frequent investors who are confident enough to D-I-Y, Pro models or advanced platforms/ proprietary softwares will help gain traction and enable quick trades without losing time. Also, various trading features will help run an error-free and less expensive trading operation than regular trading platform .
Choose Wisely
A long term trader and investor needs to consider all of these things before finalizing a trading partner. With the best of brokerage and award winning platforms, one cannot go wrong.
