Did you know that you have options when it comes to payment on the internet for things you purchase? Yes, most of you know about the Gift Cards. However, did you know that you can convert your codes to bitcoins?
Amazon Gift Cards
For one thing, peer-to-peer marketplaces provide the easy way to dispose of your unused gift card codes to bitcoins. And top of the list of the gift cards that remain the easiest to convert are the Amazon gift cards. Being one of the top online marketplaces, Amazon gift cards command respect in all places. One can change them to bitcoins without any hassles. In this case though the bitcoin users expect something more from the gift card codes.
PayPal codes for bitcoins
The second is the PayPal My Cash code. PayPal has remained a prime target for online criminals for the past few years. Bitcoin traders will accept legitimate PayPal codes for bitcoins but they have their reservations. You can go to many other peer-to-peer marketplaces to make the exchange too. Even though this is a popular gift card, one must exercise caution when changing this to bitcoins.
Use Starbucks Gift Cards
The Starbucks Gift Cards is popular for one reason – it has plenty of regular users who frequent Starbucks. You can change the Starbucks Gift Card to bitcoins and vice versa. Alternately, you may use the Fold App to contact bitcoin users. This brings us to the eBay Gift Cards. eBay does not accept bitcoin payments and so the use of Gift Cards becomes mandatory. Use the eBay portal to sell and buy but use the Gift Cards to make the payments. One does hope that eBay will start accepting bitcoin payments soon.
iTunes Gift Card options
For buying digital content, there is nothing better than iTunes. Since Apple will not include the use of bitcoins one must use the Gift Card option when one wants to buy digital content. You can use these Gift Cards with different currencies. However, bitcoin users value the dollar more. The last one is the Netflix Gift Cards. You find Netflix users all over the globe but you cannot pay for the use of Netflix with bitcoins. However, you can use a prepaid bitcoin debit card or a Netflix Gift Card to use the services.
Exchanging the Gift Card codes to make payment or get bitcoins is gaining popularity. This is mainly due to the growth in the value and popularity of the bitcoin over the past couple of months. Things are looking up for the bitcoin and bitcoin users lately.

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